Yes, it is now the age of iPod and MP3, but in Bandung, there are still people who love to listen through the media of cassette. *I am curious, whether among those who read this blog even know what a cassette is? :)* That's why in Bandung we have this 'antique cassette shop', or Toko Kaset Antik, in Cipaganti street.
One thing that must be considered before looking at this record store is, we must be sure that we still have the tools to play it! It is important because when you see your favourite old records, you won't be crying to play it for not having the tape player. I myself still have some tape equipment to play the cassette. They're old. But still can work.
So why do people in Bandung still want to listen to the cassettes in this age of 3G ready?
Come to think of people who listen to music through cassette, they may be pleased with its raw, dirty, and high noise sound. Thus, they might feel the music that you listen to, it is more alive and down to earth.
Antique Cassette Shop is located in the Cipaganti road area. Some elites region for Bandung. But the store itself is very simple. The tapes sold here mostly of the 80s. Even they also have records from the 70s. The price of these tapes ranging from Rp. 15,000 to Rp. 30,000's. But there is possibility that some rare tapes are sold above that price range.
If we have some collection of antique tapes, we can also exchange collection with the store. This might also be a solution if we do not have the money, but there are antique tapes we drill there. This store is surely not the only one who sells antique tape. In some areas such as the road Cihapit we also can find the old tapes seller. Anyway, if it comes to music, Bandung is very stoney indeed euy!
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